CHAPTER SAMPLE: An Investigation into Joseph Campbell's Hero's Journey


Joseph Campbell you have my heart.

It’s no secret I adore the theory of The Hero’s Journey. It richly underpins the story in The IDEA and has been an undercurrent to my own life and decision making since I first learnt about it seventeen years ago.

One of the best years of my life was researching this theory in a classroom, observing it’s magic play out with thirty individuals, watching it come alive through their own journeys.

If you're keen to read more about this deeply connected learning download this link, where you'll find the first chapter of my honours thesis on the topic. And if you’d like to read more about the project (including a fascinating lit review 🤓) please email me for the full doc. No strings attached. I just can’t work out how to upload more than one chapter to my website. Ha.

Thanks for reading and good-luck for wherever you find yourself on your own Hero’s Journey today.

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